For us, aquatic fitness isn't just for physical therapy and older folks... it's about sustaining a healthy lifestyle with movements that have fewer restrictions. We are here to redefine what people think "aquatic fitness" is all about.
In 2017, well into my third trimester with our second child Sawyer, and completely miserable scrolling through Facebook I came upon a reposted ad for an aqua cycling class at Aqua at 36 weeks pregnant I booked myself a 9am class. Needless to say I was hooked because here we are.
Fast Forward in time to December 2019 when the opportunity presented itself to take over this program we dove (see that water pun) at the chance to make it our own.
In January 2020 we officially took over and jumped in with a splash, AQUAFIT was created. We had big plans for new upcoming classes until... DUN DUN DUN the pandemic shut us down! Determined to not let this sink us (man these puns are golden) we continued to power through.